You’re a father now, absolutely and completely responsible for this new life. To keep them loved, safe, warm, secure and happy.

Most mothers are able to bond with their baby by virtue of biology, a natural conception and delivery and/or breastfeeding. Fathers, on the other hand, need to make a little more effort to connect with their little ones.

In his book ‘The Ten Basic Principles of Good Parenting’, Dr. Laurence Steinberg talks about the fundamentals of raising happy healthy children. He is categoric that too much love will not spoil a child. Love, and lots of it, will help your child form secure attachments that will give them confidence and good self-esteem.

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Daddy’s Digest is giving fathers insight to help them create a quality, long lasting relationship with their child.

Here is what you need to know.

1. Your baby needs to bond with you and your wife/partner. Babies learn to trust and be close to others when given the opportunity to bond with more people (grandparents, siblings, a nanny).

2. Bonding doesn’t always happen instantly and is true for both mother and father. It can sometimes take weeks or months and requires parents to make a sincere effort to understand and get to know their baby.

3. Bonding is an important part of a baby’s growth and forms the foundation of emotional wellbeing and cognitive development.

4. Your newborn may smile, make little noises, look into your eyes or even cry if they want to strengthen their connection with you.

5. Sometimes a baby can be overstimulated so pay close attention to their body language. If they yawn, look away, pull away, begin to struggle, look stressed, then they may just need a break.

A few ideas to help you bond with your baby:

Our guide outlines the facts based on research from several online and offline resources. If you are in doubt or worried about your child’s health and/or development for any reason, consult with a qualified medical care professional or doctor immediately.

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