“Reading to a child in an interactive style raises his or her IQ by over 6 points.” – Study published in Perspective on Psychological Science in Jan, 2013.

We cannot stress enough, the benefits of reading to your child. Contrary to popular belief, it is important to read to your children before birth, all the way through their adolescent years.

Yes, you read that right… you should be reading to your unborn child and to your teen. You don’t need to stop just because your child can read on their own.

Daddy’s Digest has put together a list of the benefits.

1. Reading to your children helps them develop a love for reading by themselves. Older children often perceive it to be a chore, so helping them develop the skill early has long-term benefits.

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2. Reading to your child will help you develop a strong bond with them and positively impact the way you communicate both in the short and long term.

3. Being read to, positively affects language and cognitive development (thinking, knowing, remembering and problem-solving). Studies show that children exposed to reading in the early years do better at school and have a healthier relationship with learning and education.

4. Similar to make-believe play, being read to helps expand your child’s imagination. It also impacts their listening skills and increases their attention span.

5. Through books, young children are exposed to fundamentals like numbers, letters, colors and shapes in an exciting way which would otherwise become academic as they grow older.

6. Children develop interests from what they see and hear. Reading books about a particular subject (say, dinosaurs) will help expand their interests (from dinosaurs to other animals and so forth).

Oh, and in case you were wondering, reading to your unborn child (especially in the last 10 weeks of pregnancy) could give them a jumpstart on their language skills and help them recognize speech patterns. Reading to your teens reiterates the need for lifelong learning and helps introduce them to new types of written work.

Our guide outlines the facts based on research from several online and offline resources. If you are in doubt or worried about your child’s development for any reason, consult with a qualified and certified mental health professional or medical doctor.

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