You really want to be a father. You and your partner have done everything right including reading our quick guide to Sex Positions To Help Conceive and Get Pregnant. Now you’re just waiting (usually till her period is late), with bated breath to take the pregnancy test or see the OBGYN.

But waiting isn’t for everyone and you don’t want to get your hopes up. Daddy’s Digest has put together a list of things you can look out for to help spot the early signs of pregnancy.

Our list includes those signs that are visible and can help you as a man be proactive. There may be other symptoms and reactions experienced by your partner but are not apparent to the world around.

Remember, these are just indicative and vary from person to person. Only a doctor can give you the final word.

Things to look out for:

1. If your partner expresses discomfort and complains of sore breasts.

2. She feels nauseous regularly.

3. Is fatigued, gets headaches and backaches more often than usual.

4. Is now short of breath more often than before.

5. Talks to you about frequent urination, constipation and bloating.

6. Complains of cramping.

7. Displays strong cravings or aversion to foods.

8. Experiences mood swings. 

9. Has a heightened sense of smell and/or nasal congestion without the other symptoms of a cold.

10. Talks of dizziness or feeling faint.

Our guide is meant to outline the need to know facts. Always consult with a qualified medical professional when taking important decisions regarding your family’s health.

Impress your partner with key facts, take better co-parenting decisions and be 'in the know'. Visit our Partners & Parents resource center for more.


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