One of the greatest challenges in a relationship is the inability to conceive. Requiring a sperm donor can be emotionally crippling, and most men find it easier to live in denial or outright refuse the possibility.

It isn’t easy to fathom raising a child without a genetic link, but infertility is affecting people at rapidly growing rates and it is prudent to get tested and only fair on your wife/partner that you explore the alternatives to natural conception.

Let us tell you a little about Donor Sperm and the Sperm Donation process. Being armed with the facts helps take more informed and educated decisions.

1. Donor sperm is required only when your sperm is unviable or unusable. More information on male infertility is available in our overview.

2. The process requires a man with viable sperm to donate his ejaculate to a licensed fertility clinic or sperm bank.

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3. The donor is usually financially compensated for his contribution if the sperm passes the medical facilities screening tests.

4. The screen should include an evaluation of the donors Age, Physical Exam, Psychological State, Family Medical Information, Sexual History, Semen Test and Genetic Testing. It is important to make sure the clinic or bank you choose has a strict screening process.

5. Depending on the laws of the country and policies of the clinic, most donations are usually anonymous, protecting the rights of the donors. In certain countries, donors are given a choice to be open for an introduction to the couple.

6. A donor identified through a licensed establishment has no parental or legal rights over the child born through his donation.

7. It is not always possible to find a sperm donor that looks like your partner. In more conservative societies, many parents choose not to share the history of egg donation with their child. As important as it is to find a donor that looks similar to you, it is equally important to identify one that is a blood group match to you and your wife/partner.

It is important to verify information and ask your preferred doctor for their opinion. Our guide is meant to outline the facts, but every situation is unique and requires the final word of a qualified medical care professional.

Reviewed by: Dr. Sudhir Ajja

Date reviewed: 16h December, 2018

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