If you trawl through online forums on conception, one of the standout issues is women seeking guidance from the collective on why their men refuse to get a semen analysis/sperm test done.
We don’t exactly live in a society that’s kind to men with fertility issues. Despite wanting children, it’s easier to place the infertility burden on the woman and outright refuse to get checked.
If you are reading this, then be reminded that the process is about gaining control over the situation. With proper diagnosis and the right medical attention, it may be possible to fix the problem.
The information may be daunting, so we are trying to keep this as simple an overview as possible. Something to help you comprehend the circumstance and not passively accept your fate through denial.
1. If you and your wife/partner have had regular unprotected sex and are unable to conceive, that is usually the first sign of male infertility.
2. The process of conception is complex, and your sperm plays an important role in the outcome. Sperm must be healthy and needs to mix correctly with the semen. Your sperm count needs to be optimal. They also need to be functional and motile in order to reach and penetrate your wife/partner’s egg.
3. Health and lifestyle choices like substance use and abuse (alcohol, drugs and tobacco), high levels of stress, depression and obesity can affect the quality and quantity of sperm.
4. Your work environment may also contribute to infertility. Overexposure to X-rays, heavy metals and industrial chemicals can impair sperm production.
5. As we mentioned in the article Sex Positions to Help Conceive, prolonged sitting, tight clothing, phones/laptops near the testicles and hot tubs may reduce sperm production.
6. Health conditions like chronic illnesses, varicoceles, hormonal imbalances or a prior infection may cause infertility. Some medical treatments and medications may also be to blame.
7. You may be tempted to avoid seeing a doctor or forced to see one after unsuccessfully trying to conceive. But don’t ignore early signs of a problem. If you experience a low sex drive, erection issues, ejaculation problems, pain or discomfort in your testicles seek the necessary medical attention.
Accept that this is a complicated process and may result in expensive, time-consuming medical procedures. The stress and emotional rollercoaster will be equally hard for both you and your partner. Use this as an opportunity to bring out the best in your relationship and focus on teamwork, not finger pointing and blame.
You may also like to read: IVF Expert: Overcoming the War of Psychology & Sex.