Bath time is really special and a great opportunity for fathers to bond with their children. It’s also a time when parents need to exercise caution and stay vigilant to keep their baby safe.

Daddy’s Digest has put together the top safety tips and facts to help fathers navigate these potentially challenging waters.  

Here is what you need to know.

1. Drowning and scalding (burning) are the two main safety issues to watch out for during bath time.

burnout blueprint get it done while in the bathroom

2. Young children don’t always make a sound (cough or splash) when drowning. They can drown in a few centimeters of water.

3. Safe water temperature to bathe your child is between 37°C and 38°C (98.6°F and 100.4°F).

4. Never leave your baby/child under the age of 5 unattended in the bath. They must always be within arm’s reach and bath time must be free from external distractions like smartphones.

5. Do not leave older children or siblings in charge during bath time if you have to step away. Your child must always be supervised by an adult who understands the dos and don’ts of bath time safety.

6. Prepare for the bath in advance so you aren’t distracted during bath time.

  • Use a bath thermometer to make sure the water temperature is just right. You can also test the water with your wrist or the inside of your elbow.
  • Have the soap, shampoo, bath toys, face towel, cotton wool and towel within reach.
  • Setup up the clean diaper and clean clothes.
  • Make the bathtub/area is safe by placing a non-slip rubber bath mat. Cushion with a towel, any spouts or faucets that could cause painful bumps.
  • Keep all electric appliances away from the tub.

7. For babies, fill the tub with about 2 inches (5 centimeters) of water. For toddlers and older children, water should be no more than waist-high when sitting.

8. Always turn off the water before placing your child in the tub. The temperature of running water can change or the water can get too deep. Let the water out as soon as bath time is over.

9. Make sure the room is a comfortable warm temperature as a wet baby can get chilled.

10. Not all children love being bathed. Bath time may be at the end of the day which is stressful for both parent and child. You may consider changing the schedule to allow for lower stress levels and higher safety.

Our guide outlines the facts based on research from several online and offline resources. If you are in doubt or worried about your child’s health and/or safety for any reason, consult with a qualified medical care professional or doctor immediately.

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