
About Stuart Grodinsky

Stuart is a Mechanical Engineer and father to two kids and an adorable pup. He loves working with his hands in his spare time whether it is building/refinishing furniture, fixing up old cars or just generally fixing stuff that is broken.Professionally, Stuart consults as a business process and software consultant, crushing business process inefficiencies wherever he spots them.

DIY DAD: Closet organizer got my kids to dress themselves

Wrangling a four year old and all of her stuff into one space to get dressed every morning was like playing whack-a-mole. She would make every excuse in the book about how she couldn’t find her gloves or shoes, and wander all over the house looking for them. This stacked on top of a bad habit we couldn’t break where she’d take her shoes off randomly somewhere in the house instead of at the front door and it was a game of memory trying to find them.