Teething is exactly what it sounds like. The process of your baby’s first set of teeth appearing.

It usually starts around the 3 to 7-month mark and by the age of three, most children have all their baby teeth. A full set of ‘milk teeth’ or ‘baby teeth’ contain 20 pearly whites.

The tooth fairy appears after this set of temporary teeth begin to fall, so start saving early.

This isn’t a fun time for your baby and you can expect a lot of irritability, lack of sleep, drool, sensitive or swollen gums and a desire to gnaw or chew. Watch out for these signs.


It is important to distinguish between a cold and teething. While some of the symptoms may be similar, the ones associated with teething come and go quick. If your child is suffering from a fever, diarrhoea, a runny nose, lack of appetite and/or vomiting, it will be prudent to consult with their pediatrition to rule out anything more serious.

Looking for the best remedy? Here are the dos and don'ts:

1. Give your baby something to chew. This could be a teething ring, a teething toy or even a cold wash cloth. They will absolutely love gnawing on these.

2. You may be able to temporarily relieve pain by rubbing your finger on their gums. Make sure your hands are clean.

3. Only administer pain medication with the guidance and instruction of a doctor.

4. Beware of alternative therapies like Amber Necklaces and Homeopathic Teething tablets.

5. Do not use gels or medications containing benzocaine. The United States Food & Drug Administration (U.S. FDA) warns against it as Benzocaine can cause methemoglobinemia, a serious condition that can cause death.

Our guide is meant to outline the need to know facts. Always consult with a qualified medical professional or childcare expert when taking important decisions regarding your child’s health.

Impress your partner with key facts, take better co-parenting decisions and be 'in the know'. Visit our Partners & Parents resource center for more.


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