Parents need to monitor their children’s development and play an active part in their mental, physical and emotional growth.

Both mothers and fathers must be equally invested in all aspects of child raising. Track milestones and discuss any concerns you may have with a qualified medical care professional.

Here is what you can expect at the two-year mark. Remember, there is no substitute for your constant love and attention.

There are other developments and activities you can do with your child that are not mentioned here. This is a father-focused list and accounts for time spent and work and active involvement of the mother and other family members.


Developmental Milestones

  • Copies others.
  • Gets excited around other children but plays mainly beside them (parallel play).
  • Shows more independence and is increasingly defiant.
  • Says sentences with 2-4 words.
  • Follows simple instructions.
  • Repeats words others say.
  • Points to things in a book and may name them. Points to objects in a book when named.
  • Knows the name of familiar people and body parts.
  • Begins to sort shapes and colors
  • Completes sentences in familiar books.
  • Kicks a ball and begins to run.
  • Walks up and down stairs when holding on.
  • Climbs up and down furniture.
  • Throws ball overhand.

How You Can Help with Development

  • Encourage your child to help with simple chores and praise them for being a good helper.
  • Spend more time praising good behavior and limit attention for defiant behavior.
  • Teach your child to identify animals, body parts and other common things.
  • Encourage your child to say the word instead of pointing at an item and demanding it.
  • Do not correct your child when they say a word incorrectly. Rather, say it correctly.
  • Hide your child’s toys around the room and encourage them to find it.
  • Play with puzzles, blocks, crayons, paint, paper.
  • Talk, read and sing to your child.
  • Kick a ball back and forth with your child.

Developmental Concerns

  • Doesn’t know what to do with commonly used items. E.g. brush, fork, spoon.
  • Doesn’t copy actions and words.
  • Doesn’t follow simple instructions.
  • Doesn’t use 2-word phrases like “drink milk”.
  • Doesn’t walk steadily.
  • Loses skills they once had

Remember that all children are different and develop at varying paces. If you do notice any of the listed concerns, we recommend erring on the side of caution and talking to your child’s doctor.

This information has been curated from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC. Always consult with a qualified medical professional or childcare expert when taking important decisions regarding your child and their health.

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