It’s not What Women Want (the film) but relationships can get tricky when little kids are involved. We talked to 6 awesome entrepreneurial moms about what they want dads to know. Dads- this is a great resource when you’re not sure what your partner is looking for. Starting a conversation with this article could be a good way to get back on track in your relationship.

Alanna Gallo: Simplified Parenting Expert, Founder of Play. Learn. Thrive, Mom of Four 

“There is so much invisible work. The thinking, planning, scheduling, and juggling of all the things in our heads can feel like it goes unnoticed and unappreciated. Taking ownership of even just a couple categories, for example, “birthday parties, “after-school sports,” or “doctor appointments” would be a huge relief. Additionally, when the kids are playing independently or entertaining themselves, that is a good thing. It allows us to gather our thoughts and have time to complete our to-do lists. When our kids are playing independently, they are doing their jobs, which are to learn and explore, and in turn, gives us moms an opportunity to have a moment to breathe.” 

Kim Rittberg: Podcast Host, Mom’s Exit Interview & Award-Winning Content/Video Strategist, Mom of Two 

“Dad should know that if a mom is in a career transition, she may have mixed feelings about money and the income they may or may not be making. Self-worth can be tied to financials. Facilitate those conversations and support your partner – especially during a change! Running my own business can be unpredictable but my husband knows there are ebbs and flows and that comes with having taken the leap — away from corporate to craft the life I want. Rather —the life we want together!”


Lisa Myers: CEO & Founder of Ceres Chill, Mom of Two 

“Many dads feel helpless in the face of the breastfeeding and pumping struggles they witness as their partners adjust to their lives as new and working moms.  But they are not powerless to help.  Something as simple as washing pump parts and giving the baby a midnight bottle or transporting the milk to the fridge or freezer is often all that moms need to keep going, feel support, and believe that they can reach their goals as women and mothers.”

Bethany Braun-Silva: On-Air Parenting and Lifestyle Expert, Mom of Two 

“The mental work of motherhood is exhausting. When dads ask simple, well-meaning questions like “Where are the kids’ shoes?” or “What day is the school play?” it implies that mom is the keeper of everything– appointments, schedules, meetings, and more. Sometimes we want to be told where and when to show up rather than be the one to get everyone dressed and ready beforehand. I think moms would like dads to take more ownership in all aspects of parenting.”

Tina White: VP-Head of Marketing at Brainiac Foods, Mom of Two

“Never ever eat the ‘last one’ of anything in the snack drawer…the ensuing drama it creates the next day is not worth the munchies it satisfies in the moment!” 

Caitlin McNeily: VP of Consultant Relations at The Lactation Network, Mom of Three 

“Make time to do things, especially as a new family. Fathers often have the option to be social outside their house, and this can make moms feel jealous or neglected. They may not be able to leave the infant or may not WANT to leave the infant, so plan for friends to come to you, so they can participate while feeling comfortable in their own space. Ultimately, they aren’t mad that you’re going out, they want to spend time with you and they also want to have some of the same freedom.”

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