Tell us about starting Captain Mail or what you love about Captain Mail

The idea for Captain Mail came to us after I was laid off from my job when Covid 19 started. I was at home with my two young kids and had more time than usual to spend with them and observe them. I noticed that the kids were glued to their screens between Zoom classes and playing with their iPads and watching movies. The one thing they kept getting excited about everyday is when we got something in the mail. They would run to the door and want to see what it is. They always had they same question around the letters we got which was ”why was it never for them”.

It was all bills and junk mail, but it gave us this idea of how can we channel all the enthusiasm they have for that into something more beneficial than just buying them more toys or things they didn’t really need. So as a fun family project we started writing our own letters to our kids and after seeing how much they enjoyed them, we realized this could be something than many other families can benefit from and a nice idea for a business.

I love everything about Captain Mail and our mission. I’m so passionate about my work and feel very fortunate that we have been able to start our own company and help so many families on a weekly basis to:


Give their kids a break from their screens and provide them with a fun and educational alternative. Furthermore, we strive to help facilitate through Captain Mail an attachment enhancing exercise to encourage healthy (emotional) attachment between children and caregivers rather than simply educating (intellectual) achievement, which comes as a by-product of secure attachment anyway.

How many children do you have?

I have two children and another one on the way!

What have your kids taught you about learning?

The more fun and interactive the more they will want to learn. They are like sponges and soak up so much information and even topics which I thought might be challenging for them to grasp if explained and discussed in an age appropriate way they pretty much can learn anything. 

What have your kids taught you about leadership?

My kids are my biggest motivation for everything I do and as the inspiration for starting our company they have not only taught me a lot, but also help with testing our products and sharing their ideas which many of them we have acted on. I have become a better listener and try my best to to emulate good behavior and be as healthy as I can, both physically and mentally so I can support them as best as I can. 

How do you think your kids would describe you?

As a loving goof ball who loves to have fun and joke around. 

What’s something you learned from a father-figure in your life that you’d like to share

Always believe in myself find the things a love most and chase my dreams

What’s your favorite book or movie to watch with your kids. 🙂 

We read Captain Mail letters every night as part of their bedtime and we love watching the Sandlot and other kids classic movies.

Ready to get started with your family’s CAPTAIN MAIL SUBSCRIPTION? Available in Canada and the US.

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Written by Daniel Somech

Daniel is the founder of Captain Mail. He is an innovative and collaborative professional skilled in business development, account management, entrepreneurship, and management with diverse industry experience, including technology, media, information services, and consulting. Daniel is known for outperforming expectations through timely and informed decision making, effective problem-solving, clear communication, and well-established interpersonal strengths. He describes himself as a life-long learner using quick information processing in identifying creative approaches to overcome obstacles, improve client relations, and build high-performance teams.

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