As someone who helps to support women in their journey toward elevating their experience in Motherhood and in life, I was motivated to speak at an upcoming event called Feeling Good In Motherhood.

Join me at this virtual event to watch my honest conversation with Alexandra Scherzer, co-founder of the W.I.S.E. Framework for parents.

She is hosting a virtual interview series for women with young children where each interview will help to demystify what parental mental health really is and help you figure out the unique factors that tip the scale for you to feel better and function better.  This event is for anyone curious about learning how they can grow and boost their experience as a parent.

And, you’re exclusively invited to watch this series for free!

As someone who helps to support women in their journey toward elevating their experience in Motherhood and in life, I was motivated to speak at an upcoming event called Feeling Good In Motherhood.

Join me at this virtual event to watch my honest conversation with Alexandra Scherzer, co-founder of the W.I.S.E. Framework for parents.

She is hosting a virtual interview series for women with young children where each interview will help to demystify what parental mental health really is and help you figure out the unique factors that tip the scale for you to feel better and function better.  This event is for anyone curious about learning how they can grow and boost their experience as a parent.

And, you’re exclusively invited to watch this series for free!

You can register using this link

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