Your eyesight is something you take for granted every single day. You have never even thought about what it would be like to suffer from eye health issues or visual impairment. Even if your eyesight isn’t bothering you particularly right now, there are a number of reasons why you need to pay close attention to any changes. Whether you’re trying to stay more positive about eye health or reduce potential risks, knowing how to look after your eyes is going to serve you well for many years to come. Not only can you ensure that your eyesight is in top condition, but you can also protect the sight of your friends and family members too.

Noticeable Signs

There are many reasons why you might have started thinking about your vision and eyesight at the moment. The most common case is that you’re noticing something different or unusual about your eyes. There are a number of prominent signs of vision impairment or eye disease, so you should certainly think about some of the following notions. You may be struggling to see signs on the road, lights may seem dimmer than usual so they’re causing stress or strain and you might even be finding it hard to recognize people that you know. You may have low vision or another eyesight issue that needs further attention. Think about some of the ideas above and you may be able to pinpoint what is bothering you with your eyes.

gourmet gift basket with cheese and meats and tomatoes on a cutting board

Eye Health Protection: The Basics

Millions of people are affected by some sort of eye health issue right now and most of them are preventable. This means that people need to take more action when it comes to protecting their eyesight so that they can thrive and live a long, healthy life. Getting sight tests is a fundamental part of protecting your eye health, so make sure you make an appointment with your eye doctor at least once every year. Living in such a fast-paced life such as this one, means that you can often forget to keep up with these appointments. Set reminders on your phone and make sure you stick to a similar time each year as much as possible. Your optometrist may offer different advice if they are not worried about your eye health in general. A lot of patients are encouraged to only book in their appointment once every two years, so make sure you take the advice of a professional.

Why Are Regular Eye Tests So Important?

Believe it or not, eye tests are not just about measuring how well you can see from certain distances and how you recognize certain colors. Getting regular eye tests encompasses so much more than that. Your eyes won’t usually cause you any issues or irritate you when there is something wrong further inside your eye. When you go for a regular eye test your specialist will be able to spot the early signs of condition before you even notice them. A lot of these symptoms and potential illnesses can be caught early and treated as long as you have taken action. Eye tests aren’t always about eye issues either; they can also detect broader health problems such as cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. Even if you can see perfectly well, it is so important to get a regular eye test as this will protect your eye health in the long term.

Daily Eye Health Advice:


A lot of people think that eating a balanced diet and drinking plenty of water will only help their body to stay strong and healthy. In actual fact there are so many advantages to eating well when it comes to your eyesight. Filling your daily diet with brightly colored fruits and vegetables will work wonders for your vision and cut your risk of eye disease significantly. You should also make sure your diet is rich in omega 3, which can be found in foods such as salmon, almonds and tuna. You will also find an abundance of zinc in foods such as natural yoghurt, cheese and milk, so make sure you up your dairy intake too. By factoring all of these foods into your daily diet you can be sure that you’re getting a wide variety of nutrients to benefit your overall eye health. Part of your healthy and balanced diet should include as little alcohol as possible. Reducing your intake of your favorite beer, wine or spirit will reduce your risks of developing an eye condition later in life. Although the occasional drink won’t do your eyesight any harm, it is definitely worth changing your habits if you consume it regularly.

Smoking Side Effects

Everyone knows that smoking is not recommended as part of a balanced lifestyle. There will be a number of side effects on your overall health as well as your eyesight. Smoking can actually cause severe harm to the eye tissue which dramatically increases your risk of developing an issue called age-related macular degeneration. Smoking may also increase your risk of cataracts. Even if you have been smoking for most of your life, it is truly never too late to quit and adopt healthier habits.

The Rules of Rest

Your eyes do a lot of hard work throughout the day, so you need to make sure you respect and look after them as much as you can. Like most people, you probably work in front of a computer screen as part of your day job. This means that your eyes are under significant strain for several hours in a row every single day. Starting at a computer screen or smartphone continually will not do you any favors, so there are a few rules you can adopt to alleviate any potential problems. Try to look away every twenty minutes at an object that is around six meters away; do this for around twenty to thirty seconds and then refocus on your task. This simple and effective exercise can prevent continual eye strain and give your eyes a well-deserved break.

Preserve and Protect

We all know that feeling of lying on the beach with the warm sun beaming down on our face. Although this might make you happy and content, you need to take action to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. Wearing sunglasses can definitely help to keep your eyes protected whenever you’re out in the sun, but make sure you invest in a pair that are extra protective. Take note of this for your little ones too as exposure to UV can harm children from quite a young age.

The Take Home Message

As well as considering all of the advice that has been provided above, you should also look into your family history. If your parents or grandparents have eye conditions, then it’s likely that you could have it too. Keep up with your regular eye appointments and it will be easier to detect any potential issues earlier on.

It is completely normal to worry about your eye health, even if there is nothing wrong. Although you shouldn’t stress yourself out about it, you do need to think carefully about how you are going to take care of your eyesight for the long haul. Keeping on top of your eye tests, monitoring your symptoms and seeking advice from a medical professional if you’re unsure will always put your mind at ease. Hopefully the advice here will help you and your family to take care of your eyesight for many years to come.

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