The height of the pandemic was an intense time for couples (and especially parents). During the lockdowns, it felt like being in a pressure cooker sometimes. In our experience, many couples did one of two things. One option was to fight, work against each other and likely sleep in different rooms, possibly leading to divorce…and the other was to fight and have a lot (angry) sex, leading to a deeper (!) connection. 

In these months, the Daddy’s Digest team explored some new sexual activities and positions, inspired by the highs and lows of the covid-19 pandemic. Here are some of our best ideas: 

Unprecendented Times:

gourmet gift basket with cheese and meats and tomatoes on a cutting board

One phrase that we’ve heard over and over again during the pandemic is that we are living in unprecedented times. It may be time for some unprecedented times. So visit the online adult toy stores, try some new positions. Read some erotica together, break out the chocolate syrup and make yourselves a buffet. Now is the time to have an adventure.

Self Quarantine: 

There are times when you just need to take matters into your own hands. Take some time to enjoy a little “personal meditation” time. Maybe you and your partner can self quarantine together.

The Mask:

This is a dynamic new sexual position. One partner represents the face, the other represents the mask. In practice, the elastics are legs – need we say more? 

The Six Footer (a pandemic version of the menage a trois):

There is you and your partner…then there is the single neighbour in the unit next door who doesn’t see anyone. You each have two feet, so with three people involved, you’d have six feet. You make an arrangement with your neighbour for the sake of all of your sanity – you’ll get within 6 feet of each other to enjoy the potential benefits that come from having six feet (instead of four) in the bed. 

The Booster:

Need a little pump up since the shot didn’t really do it? You’ve done vaccine 1 and 2, you’ve ordered from your adult store, but it’s still feeling sub par. Now it’s time to get to a new level of creativity- perhaps a desperate level of creativity. Do you still have your child’s old booster seat? (We don’t recommend using anything your children still use) Use the booster to take your experience to new heights. Perhaps put the booster seat on a chair and take one big step up? 

Alright, you caught us; we’re being a little bit cheeky – our team was ROFL through this one-  but we’d love to hear what positions you’ve made up in the past 2 years. Also – please remember to communicate well and have consent with any partner.

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