Meet Featured Dad Usman Parvez Hashmy, from Firstsmile!
Tell us about your work!
At Firstsmile, our purpose is to create deeper and stronger connection between parents and children’s.
Why did you decide to work at Firstsmile?
At Firstsmile, we are striving to raise importance of Parenting in any nation building.
Tell us about your family!
A loving & supportive wife. We have four children. Youngest is 1.5 years, elder is 3.5 years. Other two are 71 and 69. Elderly parents need support and love as do young children:) I have an elder & younger brother with 2 beautiful children each & their loving wives. That’s our complete set :).
What was the hardest thing about becoming a dad?
Worrying I may faint in the operation theatre :).
Has being a dad impacted your career? How?
Yes, It has helped me become more tolerant.
What's one thing you've learned from your child or children?
There are few. First, Loving & living the present moment. Second, celebrate everything.
How has being a dad made you a better or different leader?
With increased responsibilities, I had forgotten to have Fun & Laugh. My children reminded me to enjoy life again.