Are you thinking about getting your child their first computer? There are lots of things to consider here so let’s jump in and ensure that you make the right choice.

Does Your Child Need A Computer?

You might wonder if your child needs a computer. While it’s debatable whether they need one, the general consensus is that by the age of ten a child should be able to have access. This is going to play a crucial part in their education and ensure that they can complete research for homework projects.

You don’t have to spend a fortune. There are plenty of budget-friendly options on the market that are going to suit the daily needs of a child.

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Blocking Websites

Websites may be blocked for many different reasons. By blocking the websites, you will be able to ensure that without a password, kids are unable to access these from a personal computer.

However, if you are blocking content that you deem to be unsafe or dangerous, there’s a problem. You’re never going to be able to find and block them all. There are simply far too many options to consider.

For instance, you might decide to block Pornography sites. There are literally thousands of these online.

A better reason to block sites is to ensure that kids remain productive while completing tasks like studying or working on a project. In doing so, you will be able to block the site for a limited time rather than completely.

Do be aware that most kids will also understand how to unblock the sites. So, there is a certain element of trust involved here. If you can’t trust your kids not to go into the settings and change a few things, then you’re not going to get any benefit from this tactic. You can learn more about blocking sites online at

Online Chats

Online chats are tricky because these are specifically designed to allow strangers to connect. Now it’s worth noting that most of these chats do come with a warning that they are for people over the age of 18. However, a lot of kids do use them and it’s not difficult to understand why. There’s a certain level of curiosity here and kids can try to use them to form friendships or meet new people.

It’s worth noting that these modern online chat websites are never going to be safe. They have not monitored aside from some that monitor that video chat servers which open up a whole new can of worms. There’s no way to know whether the person your child is speaking to is being honest about the information provided. Perhaps worst of all, chats are often not saved. So theoretically, your child could communicate with someone, share another way to stay in contact and move the chat elsewhere. If you do feel comfortable with your child using these chat sites, you should at least be watching over them while doing so.

History Of Usage

These days, everyone and their mom knows how to delete internet history. It’s easy and it’s common knowledge. Kids know how to do this by the time they are 12 years old. So, if you are hoping you can keep a check by just checking the history, you’re out of luck. That said, some internet companies do provide a more useful possibility.

They will actually provide a digital report of usage each month. So, you will be able to check exactly what sites your kids have been frequenting. This will help ensure that you know if there are any problem areas that need to be addressed. We wouldn’t recommend alerting them that this history exists. Instead, simply approach it the right way by asking them about their web habits and warning them about something like an online chat site if you do see it pop up on their searches.

Be aware, you won’t be able to see what they have actually been looking at on the sites. So, you will need to rely on your child opening up and telling you what they have been looking at. An open and honest relationship can mitigate most of the dangers of computers.

Are MMPGs Safe?

MPG stands for a mass multiplayer online game. When it comes to games that kids are going to play on their computer, MAC or PC, these are the ones that are typically going to be favored. The only exception is going to be if you or child has a gaming PC. If that’s the case, then there’s a wider option for a lot more games with absolutely astounding graphics.

Now, MMORPGs do allow kids and really anyone playing to interact with people from all over the world. So, let’s say that your child is using a game like Anthem,. With a game like this, it is possible for new players to add them as a friend or join their team. Once they do this, they will usually be able to communicate inside the game and pass on personal details. Exchanging personal details through an MMPG is probably where things start to get dicey safety-wise. That’s why you should make sure your child knows that they should never share personal info. You might also want to occasionally check what private messages they are receiving through their games.

Remember, games like Fortnite are available through a PC or Mac and you can find more information about this on While these games are largely favoured by kids, they are not the only ones playing. The reality is that people of all ages from across the world play games like this and there’s no age boundary in place to stop people from connecting. The good news is that most players are just looking for the best people for their team. They have no interest in connecting outside the game and that’s exactly how you want it.

We hope this helps you understand everything you need to know about kids and computers. It’s important to be prepared for some of these issues.

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