As a dad, it’s never easy to admit wanting something for Christmas. You’ve become used to being the provider, and it goes against the grain to admit wanting that special something. It still warms your heart when there’s a present for Dad underneath the tree on Christmas morning, and you secretly love it.

The best Christmas presents for dads are seeing the smiles on your kids’ faces when they open their presents, though. Nothing beats that feeling. It’s still cool to receive something, even if you buy it yourself. Here are some of the best gifts for dads that will brighten any father’s Christmas morning.

A Power Tool

Let’s face it: There’s nothing more manly than being a dad and owning a workshop of power tools. Tools are one of the go-to Christmas presents for dads, and for pretty good reason. If you can start or add to your collection during the holidays, go for it. In this technological age, your kids will reach a point when playing outside with their friends only goes so far before they’d instead be sitting in front of the television or computer playing games — or on the smartphone you thought they were old enough for.

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Good dads should discourage that from happening for as long as possible. One way of doing this is to give them more reasons to keep enjoying being outside by building a treehouse or making a go-kart. A proper set of power tools and various saws to go with your handy toolbox makes this a cinch to do.

A Business Strategy Game

Are you a digital business tycoon in the making? I’ve spent many hours working to build an online empire before bedtime. If you’re the same, you’ll know not much beats receiving a new business mogul game you can sink your entrepreneurial money-making mind into once the kids are in bed. You can also use it to boost their financial awareness when they’re not.

Hordes of new virtual business games are available, each with better gameplay and graphics options than the last. The right one will keep you away from the fridge and falling asleep in front of the TV while also helping you spend quality time with your growing child. 

A Sports Jersey

Trust me here. It is much easier to encourage your youngsters to watch the game with you if you’re wearing your favorite team’s jersey. Chances are, they’ll want one as well, as it just looks so damn good. You might support football, soccer, baseball or hockey, or maybe all of them — it doesn’t really matter. 

If your kids are anything like I was growing up, seeing you in the same jersey as the players will prompt more interest. I’m a dedicated basketball fan, and wearing my team’s colors made my son want his own soon after I got mine. Luckily, he chose to support the same team. We’ve made a habit of fixing game day snacks like crostini and pinwheel sandwiches so we can chill out and bond while watching the games together.

A Pizza Oven

Here’s a novel idea for a Christmas present. You’re likely getting bored with ordering the same old pizzas from the same old places every time you get pizza takeouts. Your children may feel the same, so change things up with a portable pizza oven this Christmas. You’ll want to drop subtle hints so your kids include one on their Christmas list for dad.

Portable pizza ovens have so many benefits. You’ll save on your pizza’s cost and time waiting for its delivery. Cooking in a portable oven is quick and easy, and having a fridge with the right ingredients means your kids can build their own custom creations, making it an interactive family experience. I often move mine outside in warmer weather to add to the experience.

A Boat

Here’s a gift you may have to save up for during the year, but you can dream! Although extravagant, this Christmas present is thoughtful and will provide hours of family fun and activity. Having your own boat makes fishing or doing watersports so much easier. Be sure to take it on a sea trial before buying so you know it’s the right choice for you.

I remember that weekends away and holidays with my dad were always more enjoyable after he chose and bought his first boat when I was still young. He’d teach me to bait my hook when fishing and marveled at the “monster” I finally reeled in alone. Then there were the times he pulled me behind the boat in the rubber tube — I never did quite master the art of water skiing. We made many incredible memories.

A Pet

Of course, you understand that introducing a pet into your household is a big step and more of a present for your children than for you, but you won’t tell them that. When choosing the right pet, much depends on your kids’ ages, as you’ll motivate them to learn responsibility. Having a pet encourages learning and caring for others besides themselves.

I was 7 when I got my first puppy, which was actually my dad’s Christmas gift. The pup became a constant friend and companion and hugely benefited my preteen personal growth. I knew my dad loved the dog, too, although he never admitted wanting it in the first place. If circumstances allow it, a pet is a beautiful Christmas present for the entire family.

The Best Gifts for Dads and What They Mean

You’ll probably never admit to wanting Christmas gifts. However, it’s secretly awesome to receive something from your kids at this special time of the year, whether a box of golf balls or a pair of socks. The best part is the love they show when giving it to you.

Besides our children’s love, the best Christmas presents for dads are those we give ourselves that encourage their growth. If you can create opportunities to spend time with your kids constructively and positively, you will create family bonds that last a lifetime.

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About Jack Shaw

Jack Shaw is the senior lifestyle writer at Modded with special interest in navigating the ins and outs of interpersonal relationships and emotional health. You'll likely find him playing with his dog or exploring nature with his family in his free time. Feel free to reach out to him via LinkedIn.

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