There’s a lot to love about spending some time indoors as a family, sure, but there is a thing as too much time. As part of an older generation who often spent more time outside of the house than in, you’ll know all too well the benefits of getting out of the home and enjoying the outdoors. But kids these days often need some convincing. It’s not hard to see why the outside world may seem unappealing when you have plenty of technology to keep you entertained and having fun.

But with a little bit of encouragement, you’ll find that they can be convinced that life can be enjoyed away from the couch. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at some tried and tested methods for achieving this goal.

Bring the Fun


People are always attracted to things that seem fun. They always have, and always will! It’ll be much easier to convince your kids to join you outside of the home if it looks like you’re enjoying it yourself. They’re not going to give up their iPad games if you look unhappy to be leaving the home! Of course, you can’t always be super pumped, but at least be mindful of it. You might just find that your enthusiasm might just convince them to join you.

From A to B

You want to spend quality time with your kids, but the truth is that, while you can plan outdoor adventures (more on them later), the bulk of your time is just spent taking care of business. And it can be difficult to convince your kids to join you on these errands when really they don’t need to, you just want to spend time with them. One good way to convince them to come with you is to make the journey more fun. Can you get where you need to go without using a car? Then go for it. Roller skates are especially recommended, since they’re fun for both adults and kids; you can check out Roller Skate Dad to get more information about getting started. If the journey is a little too far to rollerblade, then you could consider biking there instead.

Outdoor Adventures

Everyone loves the outdoors once they’ve seen the magic that it can provide. Alas, many people don’t get that chance. After all, the wonders of nature are not found on our doorsteps: we have to find them. When you’ve got a free weekend, look at taking your kids to a local nature area. No matter where you live, there’ll be one nearby. Repeated trips to these beautiful spaces will instill a love of the outdoors that will last a lifetime. One word of advice, though: when you’re out there, let them play. There’s nothing worse than having your fun time micromanaged. So long as they’re safe, let them get on with it — there’ll be plenty of time for doing the kinds of things you want to do (like hiking) once they love the outdoors.

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