A Pretty Good Date Night
Lauren, Wolf was sucking on Tylenol, call poison control.
Lauren, Wolf was sucking on Tylenol, call poison control.
When things are tough and uncomfortable, stick it out and make something of it.
When I say I have a Dadbod, it doesn’t mean I’ll be on My 600 Pound Life anytime soon.
All I am saying is, give them a chance.
Waiting for the Bus
I want to be there for my kids. But to be there for them, I have to be there for myself.
Pick Your Battles, Not Your Kid’s Nose.
When I see your child being reckless, I am going to firmly but politely correct him.
I’m always amazed at the tidbits of information my son picks up and repeats with no prompt from either parent.
I’d like to think there is a support group for parents of kids who can’t logic.